2.2.3 Installation location

The accuracy of an ultrasonic flowmeter is mostly determined by correct probe installation. If the installation method or location is incorrect, it may result in failure to achieve the desired results, or even an inability to send and receive ultrasonic signals. In general the conditions for the best installation location are as follows:

● It is better to mount the ultrasonic probe on a longer tube or pipe; be sure to verify that the pipe is filled with liquid.

● Installing the probe on the side of the pipe can reduce bubbles and interference caused by partially empty tube cavities.

● Make sure the probe can withstand the temperature of the measuring point; the closer it is to room temperature, the better.

● There are linings on the inner walls of some pipes. Though this product can be configured to be compatible with lined tubing, in practice this inner layer tends to block the transmission of ultrasound and thus the measurement results, so install as far as possible from this type of tubing.

Correct probe installation will greatly enhance measurement accuracy.

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