Press the SET button in the lower left corner of the output interface to enter the system setup interface, which contains:
■ Initial
■ Unit
■ Meter
■ Wrreless
■ Others
■ Save
The initial setting (Initial) is the first step. It is essential to complete this step first. Incomplete or incorrect data entry will prevent the device from operating normally. After input has been completed, the Save function must be performed to save the settings, otherwise the set data will be lost after powering off. Initial menu settings are as follows:
Choose [1.Initial ] and press [ENT] button to go into the initial setup. Then, press the arrow to choose any of the setup options. Press the [ENT] button to configure the function. Press the [Back] button to return to the previous page.
Choose [2.Unit] and press [ENT] button to go into the initial setup. Then, press the arrow to choose any of the setup options. Press the [ENT] button to configure the function. Press the [Back] button to return to the previous page.
Choose [3.Meter] and press [ENT] button to go into the initial setup. Then, press the arrow to choose any of the setup options. Press the [ENT] button to configure the function. Press the [Back] button to return to the previous page.
Choose [4.Communication] and press [ENT] button to go into the initial setup. Then, press the arrow to choose any of the setup options. Press the [ENT] button to configure the function. Press the [Back] button to return to the previous page.
Choose [5.Others] and press [ENT] button to go into the initial setup. Then, press the arrow to choose any of the setup options. Press the [ENT] button to configure the function. Press the [Back] button to return to the previous page.
To save your setup, you must execute the Save function to save, choose [6.Save] and press [ENT] button. Press [Yes] to confirm your save or press [No] to go back to the [System Setup] page.
Buzzer Setup
Turns the device sounds on or off, including the key sound and alarm sounds.
LCD Backlight
Always on, always off, or turn off after 15 seconds without operation.
LCD Contrast
Adjust the contrast value between black text and background from 1-10 (the higher the number, the higher the contrast). The default value is 4.
Version Info.
Displays device firmware and hardware versions.
RS485 Baud rate
Set the speed of communication over RS485
Node ID
Set the node ID number for Modbus protocol
Saving the setting parameters: After parameters have been input, execute this function to save them, to avoid losing configuration data when power is shut off. Warning! To avoid data loss, do not power off if data has not been saved.
Damping Factor
The purpose of setting the damping coefficient is to smooth the output value. 0 means no smoothing effect. 99 indicates the maximum smoothing effect. It is recommended to set this factor to 0 when calibrating the flowmeter.
Low Flow Cutoff
When the flow rate is set to value output 0, avoid zero run-in value caused by the invalid cumulative value.
Set Zero
Due to unavoidable errors in the manufacture of circuits, probes, wires, etc., even when measuring stationary fluids, there is still a time difference. This function can be utilized when the fluid is at a standstill. The system will automatically sample enough zero data to calculate and automatically deduct.
Reset Zero
Zero setting value is 0.
Manual Zero Point
Manually enter the static zero offset value in nanoseconds (ns). The relative flow rate value (in m/s) will be displayed below the input for reference.
Scale Factor
Enter this slope correction factor to correct the measured value. For example, if the measured value is 1, but the actual value should be 1.2, then enter a correction factor of 1.2.
System Lock
Set a six-digit passcode to lock the settings interface. The password must be input to enter the interface. Enter 0 to cancel the passcode lock.
Poor Signal Value
When the ultrasonic signal is too weak or of poor quality, the system will automatically respond in one of the following two ways (default value is 1):
1. Hold: Continue using the last measurement data.
2. Zero: Output is 0
Analog Output
Select 4-20 mA current output items:
1. Flow Rate
2. Flow Velocity
3. Up Temperature
4. Down Temperature
5. Sound Velocity
6. Delta Temperature
4mA Value
The corresponding value of the above output item is 4 mA. For example: 4 mA = 0 L/min
20mA Value
The corresponding value of the above output item is 20 mA. For example: 20 mA = 10 L/min
4mA Cal.Set
After entering this setting, the analog output terminal will output a 4-mA signal, which can be fine-tuned by setting this parameter. The unit is about 0.004 mA and the adjustable range is -250~250.
20mA Cal.Set
After entering this setting, the analog output terminal will output a 20-mA signal, which can be fine-tuned by setting this parameter. The unit is about 0.004 mA and the adjustable range is -250~250.
Rx Peak Level
This parameter is used as a reference for judging the ultrasonic echo amplitude. The default value is 0.375 V. For example, if the received signal amplitude is 0.3 V, the RSSI will be expressed as 0.3/0.4 * 100% = 80%. In practice, many factors, such as probe characteristics, wire length, setup, fluid type, etc., will affect peak echoes. Therefore, if setup is good and the Q value of the signal is stable, but the RSSI is too low or too high, this parameter can be modified. Under normal conditions, the following values are recommended: 0.5, 0.375, 0.25, 0.125 (V0P).
Flow Direction
Select the flow direction of the current fluid in the pipe (default value is 1):
1. Bidirectional: Simultaneous measurement of bidirectional flow. Values will be positive or negative depending on the flow direction.
2. Forward: Measures forward flow only. Negative flow will show as 0.
3. Backward: Measures negative flow only. Forward flow will show as 0.
The default value is 1 (ON). If correct measurements cannot be made due to high flow velocity, set this option to 2 (OFF) to avoid filtering, and the program will filter out the high flow rate values. Turning off this feature may cause a severe jump in the measured value in rare cases where the flow field of the pipeline is disturbed and the Q value is unstable.
Outer Perimeter
The purpose of setting the damping coefficient is to smooth the output value. 0 means no smoothing effect. 99 indicates the maximum smoothing effect. The larger the coefficient, the smoother the measurement result will be, but the longer the delay. It is recommended to set this factor to 0 when calibrating the flowmeter.
Outer Diameter
Output 0 when the flow rate falls below the set value. Avoid zero run-in value caused by an invalid cumulative value
Pipe Thickness
Enter the tube wall thickness. The system will automatically calculate the inner pipe diameter.
Inner Diameter
Enter the inner pipe diameter. The system automatically calculates the outer pipe diameter.
Pipe Material
Optional pipe material listing. If pipe material is not listed, select Other.
*Pipe S.Velocity
If Other is selected in the Pipe Material menu, this option will appear. Please input the sound velocity of the material (m/s).
Liner Material
If there is no lining, please select no liner. If not in the list please select Other.
*Liner S.Velocity
If Other is selected for the lining material, this option will appear. Enter the sound velocity of the material (m/s).
Liner Thickness
Enter the thickness of the liner. If no liner is selected, this option will be hidden.
Fluid Type
Select the appropriate fluid options. If not in the list please select Other.
Fluid S.Velocity
This option will appear if Fluid Type is Other. Enter the sound velocity of this fluid (m/s).
Fluid Viscosity
This option will appear if Fluid Type is Other. Please enter the kinematic viscosity of the fluid (mm2 /s).
Probe Type User Type
Select the model number of the probe used. If not in the list, select User type.
*Wedge Angle
If the probe model is User-type (user-defined), this option will appear. Please enter the probe wedge type and waveguide angle.
*Wedge S Velocity
If the probe model is user-defined, this option will appear. Please enter the wedge waveguide sound velocity (m/s).
*Wedge Distance
If the probe type is user-defined, this option will appear. Enter the wedge distance of the probe (mm).
*Wedge Time Delay
If the probe type is user-defined, this option will appear. Enter the wedgedelay time of the probe.
Probe Mounting
Choose the appropriate configuration option based on the actual configuration used: Z, V, N, or W.
Probe Spacing
This item simply shows the calculation results. When all the initial value settings are entered, the probe distance is automatically calculated and displayed on this screen. Install the probe according to this distance.
Empty Pipe Setup
If there is no liquid in the pipe, the intensity of the received ultrasonic signal will be greatly reduced. Therefore, inputting the specified signal strength (RSSI) value can be used as a basis for resolving the reduced signal intensity cause by the empty pipe. When the upstream and downstream RSSI are lower than the set value, the measured value will be output as 0, and an empty pipe error message will be sent out.
*Normally hidden. These are only displayed when special settings are made.
Measurement Unit
Metric or Imperial units
Flow Numerator
m³ (Cubic meter)
L (Liter) = 10-3 * m³
gal (US gallons) = 3.785412 * 10-3 m³
igl (Imperial gallons) = 4.54609 * 10-3 m³
mgl (million US gallons) = 3785412 * 10-3 m³
cf (Cubic feet) = 28.3164847 * 10-3 m³
bal (US liquid barrel) = 35.23907 * 10-3m³
ob (Oil barrel) = 158.987295 * 10-3m³
Flow Denominator
sec (seconds)
min (minutes)
hr (hours)
day (days)
Totalizer Units
Same as flow denominator (volume) units
Totalizer Decimal
Up to 7 digits can be set; decimal point position can be changed.
Enable NET Total
Turns net cumulative flow on or off (note that cumulative flow automatically zeroes at > 4,000,000,000,000 m3 ).
Enable POS Total
Turns positive cumulative flow on or off (cumulative flow automatically zeroes at > 4,000,000,000,000 m3 ).
Enable NEG Total
Turns negative accumulated flow on or off (accumulated flow automatically zeroes at > 4,000,000,000,000 m3 )
Reset Totalizer
Can be zero net, positive, or negative cumulative flow, or all zero at the same time.
Temperature Unit
Set temperature units:
1. °C (degrees Celsius)
2. °F (degrees Fahrenheit)